Winter 2019 Class Updates

Welcome to BPG Tuesday Night Pottery Class. I’m happy to help Boulder artist Barbara Curtis and being a “re-acquainted potter”, I’m excited to share any and all information that I might have regarding this amazing medium to you guys.

I’ve found that in the past classes (starting with Winter 2017), I could dedicate a page here and send you the link as the information is updated. This way, all hosting of images can be done here and outside links (videos and instructional support), are “clicked-thru” from here (and hosted elsewhere – unless I need to do a video for supporting material). Feel free to keep the dialog active and e-mail me any questions you may have. I want to give you guys as much information as possible.

Since much of the class are at the beginning stages I’ll concentrate on the basics, unless you ask about something specific. As a review of what we were able to do on our first night, here’s a link to a short (I try to research and keep the stuff as short as possible for everyone because you can get lost in all the available videos out there), re-hash of basic wedging – 1 minute (<-click link).

Here’s a review on basic centering and throwing of a couple cylinders (22 minutes, don’t think of it as homework. . . 😀 – the time you spend with me in these videos is less time we take up in class):

Remember… there are numerous ways to achieve your goals in pottery. If you practice the basics, you will arrive at your own working steps and comfort level.

For you intermediates/advanced potters, or those that want to save their wrists when working larger amounts of clay, this is the way we used to do it when I was a production potter because we had no pug mill.  (<-click link). I do this now when recycling clay, yet I’ll still finish off with a quick spiral wedge to get my “acorn” shape.

Also, from my notes on our first class these are the subjects/projects that those of you with a little more experience are interested in:
• Plates (Week 3)
• Sets (Week 3)
• Garlic Jar(Week 4 – noted by Stephanie)

We will do our best to squeeze in as much as possible, but I promise to try and provide samples and bonus content here within this site.

Take advantage of the practice sessions. These are the best studio values in the Boulder area and I’ve found invaluable creative time there as student.

Have fun!


Shino Vase